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Here I will introduce you to the WHOLE family. There are a few different creatures and many personalities but they make my world go round.
Aunt Fancy? Let's start with how I became Aunt Fancy.
A dear family friend who I have known since childhood has daughters. One of them started to call me Aunt Fancy. When asked why she said, "Because she is always so fancy." From that day it stuck. Thank you, my Lily love, for such an endearing name as well as inspiration for my company name.
I have a love for bees and butterflies and want to share that love in this journey we call life.
The apple of their mama's eye
Dozer is my vocal baby. He was adopted in Alabama from a foster family that kept him from thriving. Him and his siblings were emaciated and covered in fleas. He came home with us and is now going on 16. Still as spry as year 1.
* My baby boy gained his wings- a puppy he will forever be.
Darcy is the leader of the pack and the protector. Regal in her demeanor with a soft side. As a puppy she was found in an Alabama parking lot with purple nails in 112 degree heat. She came home with me of course. Here we are 16 years later.
My wild child and my shadow. She is a mama's girl for sure. Turning 6 she keeps the good energy up and the bad down. She emits the kindest soul.
She brings energy and love. She was a toss away found at Baugher's orchard only to now be loved and spoiled.
A spit fire and a true mama's boy. This love bug keeps me on my toes with his quirky personality. Found in the back yard, tiny and sickly, now fully recovered; This young man is as close to a dog, as a cat that you can get.
A flock makes a farm go round and stay full of eggs. Here are just a few favorites....
Dorothy is basketball of feathers and full of love. The Golden Retriever of chickens she aims to please and seeks affection. Very much a lap chicken and knows there is no place like home.
Just like her sister Dorothy, Alice aims to please and is content to just be a house chicken. To her avail she homes with the rest of the chickens in wonderland.
Her and her sister Rose mean "Big Business " with their feathery feet and turquoise shimmer are beautiful additions to the flock. They are 1 year old and heir eggs vary in color from dark brown to chocolate brown.
Going on 2 years old this docile girl lays blue eggs and Rocky is her man.
Not much of a material girl but a beauty if anything. Her Golden Lace has her standing out among the crowd and leader of the flock. She lays light brown eggs and if going on 2 years old.
Her puffy cheeks give her the cutest face ever! Going on 1 year she is a reserved blue egg layer.
Should have bought a falcon...! We did lol. Falcon is fun loving and easy to get along with amongst her sisters. Going on 1 she lays teal eggs.
While it she may think the sky is falling most of the time her skiddish nature keeps her so sweet. She is 2 years old and lays tan eggs.
Elli for short, lays Wicked dark green eggs. Puffy cheeks as well her cute face matches her cute stature and personality. One year old as well, she lays olive colored eggs.
The coop that once stood was treated poorly. We tore it down and built our girls their own delightful hen house! Our chickens are free-range but do have a coop and run for safety. When needed in the winter they get all organic food. These chicks live better then most I'd say! Here you find the completed coop and have a look inside HERE!
Their hard work is not unnoticed and they make our world better. Just a few of my hives.
The first hives were in 2019 and never looked back. I am a forever beekeeper.
They make life pretty
Won at a carnival about 4 years ago and now they blissfully exist. They get excited twice a day at feeding time.
While some of us are bigger, some smaller, everyone plays an intricate part within the farm and family.
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